Lace Ladka Dostálová

MOTTO: "With my jewelry it's like with wine ... the more I design, better, more sophisticated and mature it gets..."

I was born in Rychnov Kněžnou, school years I spent in Vamberk where from age of 10 I began to attend to a Vapmerk school of lace. My first award for being the best young designer came at age of 12.

Since summer of 2003 I am focused on my own designs and making of the jewelry and accessories to go with formal dresses. I have created a series of collections, which I first presented at fashion show in Luhačovice (2003). Photos from some of my exhibitions and shows can be found in section "Exhibitions".
Hand made bobbin jewelry on female low neck emphasizes their femininity and "women fragility". Themes of my bobbin jewelry are based on my own ideas and since 2004 I'm  adding also beautiful shapes of minerals such as amethyst, hematite, moldavite, rose quartz, howlit, agate. . . I'm also not afraid to work with spatial use of flowers with their varieties and colors.

Some of my jewelry has been published in journals:
"Bobbin" which is published and distributed by Iva Prošková, but also in the international journal, which is issued in several countries, "LACE EXPRESS CANADA"

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